Sunday, March 29, 2009

Emily Grace Gustavison

Our precious baby girl came to us earlier than we expected. Emily was born into heaven on March 23,2009 at 4:34pm. She was 6 oz and 9 inches long. She had her mommy's hands and her daddy's feet. She was absolutely beautiful. I had not been feeling the same and decided to check on my precious bundle of joy. I didn't hear anything so I went straight up to the maternity department. They determined that Emily had passed some time between week 20 and 21. We notified our parents and family members. Those who could came up right away others sent their love and prayers. After delivery we were able to spend many precious hours with our little angel. We are grateful to the staff of Henry Ford Maternity ward, who took care of all three of us. Words can not describe the gift you gave to us. We thank all our friends and families who prayed and continue to keep us in their prayers during the next few months.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

22 weeks YAY!!

Well, we made it to week 22!! YAY!!! We have only 4 more months to go!!! I am feeling pretty good. Although last weekend was pretty much couch bound due to the most horrible pain in my left hip. All the girls at work reassure that it is just round ligament pain. "oh great!! Now my ligaments are stretching!!" Just teasing I expected it, but man did it hurt!! Baby Emily is still moving around a lot but we still can't feel any kicking!! People are starting to notice that I am pregnant without me having to explain that I can't help lift patients!! I have still only gained 12-13 pounds!!! I am doing my best to eat healthy and drink lots of water but Emily likes Taco bell!!! We hope everyone is doing well!! See ya soon!!!